
Darkest dungeon review and critique joeseph anderson
Darkest dungeon review and critique joeseph anderson

darkest dungeon review and critique joeseph anderson

/r/GameSociety - A book club for video games./r/Gaming4Gamers - A middle ground between pure-fun and serious gaming subreddits./r/ludology - For serious discussion/analysis of games played on a computer, board, or field./r/truegaming - For discussion (no links) on all topics gaming.Please exercise caution when clicking on content about games you haven't played. Critiques by their very nature tend to be spoiler heavy, and for this reason spoiler tags are not required.

darkest dungeon review and critique joeseph anderson

It should go without saying that most of the content posted here will contain spoilers. Personal attacks, witch-hunts, and other forms of harassment will be removed and repeat offenders may be banned at the moderators' discretion.

  • Content in a language other than English without subtitles or a translationĪrguments and disagreements are a necessary part of analysis and discussion, and are permitted as long as they are civil.
  • darkest dungeon review and critique joeseph anderson

    Content primarily covering social/political issues.A video review that doesn't look critically at a game.Developer Vlogs discussing level design.Extra Credits - "Balancing Turn-Based Games".Noah Caldwell-Gervais - "Warcraft series retrospective".MatthewMatosis - Longform critique of Dark Souls 2.Name of video - Short description of content.Author/Reviewer - Name of Analysis or Critique.Feel free to post links to Youtube or any other site with an in-depth look at a particular game, series, genre, or even a basic element of all gaming (for example, RNG, level design, player flow, etc). For all things related to critical analysis of video games.

    Darkest dungeon review and critique joeseph anderson